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Matplotlib で三次元の図を作ることができると知ったので、太陽系内の惑星 と小惑星の軌道運動を可視化する動画を作ってみたでござる。 PNG 画像を作 る Python のプログラムは以下の通り。
#!/usr/pkg/bin/python3.9 # # Time-stamp: <2022/10/02 23:05:00 (CST) daisuke> # # importing sys module import sys # importing numpy module import numpy # importing astropy module import astropy import astropy.coordinates import astropy.time import astropy.units # importing astroquery module import astroquery.jplhorizons # importing matplotlib module import matplotlib.animation import matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import matplotlib.figure # output file name prefix file_prefix = 'solsys_3d_struct3' # output file name extension file_ext = 'png' # units u_au = astropy.units.au u_hr = astropy.units.hour # number of steps to calculate n_steps = 5000 # number of asteroids to plot n_asteroids = 5000 # step size in hr step_hr = 12 step_str = f'{step_hr}h' step = step_hr * u_hr # an empty list for storing asteroids positions list_asteroids = [] # date/time to start the simulation t_start_str = f'2022-07-01T00:00:00.000' # time to start the simulation in astropy.time object t_start = astropy.time.Time (t_start_str, format='isot', scale='utc') # time to stop the simulation in astropy.time object t_stop = t_start + step * n_steps # an empty list for storing major planets positions list_major = [] # major body names (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter) list_names = ['10', '199', '299', '399', '499', '599'] # getting positions of the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, and Jupiter # from JPL/Horizons print (f'Now, getting positions of the Sun and planets...') for i in list_names: print (i) query = astroquery.jplhorizons.Horizons (id_type=None, id=f'{i}', \ location='@0', \ epochs={'start': t_start.iso, \ 'stop': t_stop.iso, \ 'step': step_str}) vec = query.vectors () print (vec) x = vec['x'] y = vec['y'] z = vec['z'] list_major.append ( [x, y, z] ) print (f'Finished getting positions of the Sun and planets!') # getting asteroids positions from JPL/Horizons print (f'Now, getting asteroids positions...') for i in range (1, n_asteroids + 1): if (i % 10 == 0): print (f' now, getting positions of asteroid ({i})...') ast_query = astroquery.jplhorizons.Horizons (id_type='smallbody', \ id=f'{i}', \ location='@0', \ epochs={'start': t_start.iso, \ 'stop': t_stop.iso, \ 'step': step_str}) ast_vec = ast_query.vectors () x = ast_vec['x'] y = ast_vec['y'] z = ast_vec['z'] list_asteroids.append ( [x, y, z] ) print (f'Finished getting asteroids positions...') # making a fig object using object-oriented interface fig = matplotlib.figure.Figure () fig.subplots_adjust (left=0.0, right=1.0, bottom=0.0, top=1.0) # making a canvas object canvas = matplotlib.backends.backend_agg.FigureCanvasAgg (fig) # making an axes object ax = fig.add_subplot (111, projection='3d') # an empty list of frames for animation list_frame = [] # definition of a function for making a sphere def make_sphere (x_c, y_c, z_c, radius, colour): u = numpy.linspace (0, 2 * numpy.pi, 1000) v = numpy.linspace (0, numpy.pi, 1000) x = radius * numpy.outer (numpy.cos(u), numpy.sin(v)) + x_c y = radius * numpy.outer (numpy.sin(u), numpy.sin(v)) + y_c z = radius * numpy.outer (numpy.ones(numpy.size(u)), numpy.cos(v)) + z_c # plotting the surface sphere = ax.plot_surface (x, y, z, color=colour, antialiased=False, \ shade=True, rcount=100, ccount=100) return (sphere) # initial value of 'elev' angle el0 = 90.0 # initial value of 'azim' angle az0 = 0.0 for i in range (n_steps): # clearing previous axes ax.cla () # camera viewing angle if (i < 200): el = el0 az = az0 elif ( (i >= 200) and (i < 1400) ): el = el0 - (i - 200) * 0.1 az = az0 elif ( (i >= 1400) and (i < 1600) ): el = -30.0 az = az0 elif ( (i >= 1600) and (i < 1900) ): el = -30 + (i - 1600) * 0.1 az = az0 elif ( (i >= 1900) and (i < 2100) ): el = 0.0 az = az0 elif ( (i >= 2100) and (i < 2700) ): el = (i - 2100) * 0.1 az = az0 elif ( (i >= 2700) and (i < 3600) ): el = 60.0 az = 360.0 - (i - 2700) * 0.1 elif ( (i >= 3600) and (i < 3800) ): el = 60.0 az = 270.0 elif ( (i >= 3800) and (i < 4700) ): el = 60.0 az = 270.0 - (i - 3800) * 0.1 else: el = 60.0 az = 180.0 # time t t = t_start + i * 12.0 * u_hr # printing positions of the Sun, planets, and asteroids if (i % 10 == 0): print (f'Now, making a plot for {t}...') # settings for plot ax.set_xlim (-6.0, +6.0) ax.set_ylim (-6.0, +6.0) ax.set_zlim (-2.0, +2.0) ax.set_box_aspect ( (6.0, 6.0, 2.0) ) # viewing angles of camera ax.view_init (elev=el, azim=az) # using black background colour fig.set_facecolor ('black') ax.set_facecolor ('black') ax.grid (False) ax.w_xaxis.set_pane_color ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) ax.w_yaxis.set_pane_color ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) ax.w_zaxis.set_pane_color ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) # plotting the Sun sun = make_sphere (list_major[0][0][i], \ list_major[0][1][i], \ list_major[0][2][i], \ 0.25, 'yellow') # plotting Mercury mercury = make_sphere (list_major[1][0][i], \ list_major[1][1][i], \ list_major[1][2][i], \ 0.05, 'cyan') # plotting Venus venus = make_sphere (list_major[2][0][i], \ list_major[2][1][i], \ list_major[2][2][i], \ 0.15, 'gold') # plotting Earth earth = make_sphere (list_major[3][0][i], \ list_major[3][1][i], \ list_major[3][2][i], \ 0.15, 'blue') # plotting Mars mars = make_sphere (list_major[4][0][i], \ list_major[4][1][i], \ list_major[4][2][i], \ 0.15, 'red') # plotting Jupiter jupiter = make_sphere (list_major[5][0][i], \ list_major[5][1][i], \ list_major[5][2][i], \ 0.15, 'bisque') # plotting asteroids for j in range (0, n_asteroids): asteroid = ax.scatter (list_asteroids[j][0][i], \ list_asteroids[j][1][i], \ list_asteroids[j][2][i], \ s=0.1, \ color='saddlebrown') # title title = ax.text2D (0.5, 0.95, f'Inner Solar System', \ color='white', \ horizontalalignment='center', \ transform=ax.transAxes) # plotting the time time = ax.text2D (0.5, 0.05, f'Date/Time: {t} (UTC)', \ color='white', \ horizontalalignment='center', \ transform=ax.transAxes) # image file file_image = f'{file_prefix}_{i:06d}.{file_ext}' fig.savefig (file_image, dpi=255)
実行すると、多数の PNG ファイルができるので、 ffmpeg を使って動画にす ればよいでござる。
% ffmpeg5 -f image2 -start_number 0 -framerate 30 -i solsys_3d_struct3_%06d.png \ -an -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -threads 8 solsys_3d_struct3.mp4