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Matplotlib での作図において順番を決めて点や線を描画する方法

Matplotlib を使って作図をするときに、 ax.plot () を使って点や線などを 描画すると、この線が下にきてこの点が上にきてほしいのに、逆に線が上で点 が下になっているでござる、と思うことがあるでござる。どうやら、 ax.plot () を使った順番に描画されているようで、先に ax.plot () を使って点や線 が下にきて、あとで ax.plot () を使った点や線が上にくるようでござる。

例えば、以下のような Python スクリプトで図を作ってみる。


# Time-stamp: <2022/10/13 07:58:53 (CST) daisuke>

# importing numpy module
import numpy

# importing scipy module
import scipy
import scipy.interpolate

# importing matplotlib module
import matplotlib.backends.backend_agg
import matplotlib.figure

# output image file
file_output = 'test_zorder_0.png'

# generating data for interpolation
data_x = numpy.linspace (0.0, 10.0, 11)
data_y = 2.0 * data_x + 3.0

# printing data_x and data_y
print (f'data_x = {data_x}')
print (f'data_y = {data_y}')

# making a function for linear interpolation
func_interp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d (data_x, data_y, kind='linear')

# getting Y-value for X-value at x=2.5
x1 = 2.5
y1 = func_interp (x1)

# printing result
print (f'func_interp ({x1}) = {y1}')

# getting Y-value for X-value at x=3.7
x2 = 3.7
y2 = func_interp (x2)

# printing result
print (f'func_interp ({x2}) = {y2}')

# making a plot using matplotlib

# making a fig object
fig = matplotlib.figure.Figure ()

# making a canvas object
canvas = matplotlib.backends.backend_agg.FigureCanvasAgg (fig)

# making an axes object
ax = fig.add_subplot (111)

# plotting data points
ax.plot (data_x, data_y, linestyle='None', marker='o', markersize=8.0, \
         color='blue', label='raw data')

# plotting result of interpolation
data_xi = numpy.linspace (0.0, 10.0, 1001)
data_yi = func_interp (data_xi)
ax.plot (data_xi, data_yi, linestyle=':', linewidth=3.0, color='red', \
         label='linear interpolation')

# plotting interpolated values
ax.plot (x1, y1, linestyle='None', marker='^', markersize=10.0, \
         color='cyan', label='result of interpolation #1')
ax.plot (x2, y2, linestyle='None', marker='v', markersize=10.0, \
         color='yellow', label='result of interpolation #2')

# labels
ax.set_xlabel ('X [arbitrary unit]')
ax.set_ylabel ('Y [arbitrary unit]')

# legend
ax.legend ()

# saving the figure to a file
fig.savefig (file_output)



青い丸い点の上に、赤い点線が描画されていて、なんだか気持ちが悪いでござ る。まず赤い点線を描画し、その後で青い丸い点を描画するには、 zorder を 使えばよいようでござる。


# Time-stamp: <2022/10/13 07:58:47 (CST) daisuke>

# importing numpy module
import numpy

# importing scipy module
import scipy
import scipy.interpolate

# importing matplotlib module
import matplotlib.backends.backend_agg
import matplotlib.figure

# output image file
file_output = 'test_zorder_1.png'

# generating data for interpolation
data_x = numpy.linspace (0.0, 10.0, 11)
data_y = 2.0 * data_x + 3.0

# printing data_x and data_y
print (f'data_x = {data_x}')
print (f'data_y = {data_y}')

# making a function for linear interpolation
func_interp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d (data_x, data_y, kind='linear')

# getting Y-value for X-value at x=2.5
x1 = 2.5
y1 = func_interp (x1)

# printing result
print (f'func_interp ({x1}) = {y1}')

# getting Y-value for X-value at x=3.7
x2 = 3.7
y2 = func_interp (x2)

# printing result
print (f'func_interp ({x2}) = {y2}')

# making a plot using matplotlib

# making a fig object
fig = matplotlib.figure.Figure ()

# making a canvas object
canvas = matplotlib.backends.backend_agg.FigureCanvasAgg (fig)

# making an axes object
ax = fig.add_subplot (111)

# plotting data points
ax.plot (data_x, data_y, linestyle='None', marker='o', markersize=8.0, \
         color='blue', label='raw data', zorder=0.2)

# plotting result of interpolation
data_xi = numpy.linspace (0.0, 10.0, 1001)
data_yi = func_interp (data_xi)
ax.plot (data_xi, data_yi, linestyle=':', linewidth=3.0, color='red', \
         label='linear interpolation', zorder=0.1)

# plotting interpolated values
ax.plot (x1, y1, linestyle='None', marker='^', markersize=10.0, \
         color='cyan', label='result of interpolation #1', zorder=0.3)
ax.plot (x2, y2, linestyle='None', marker='v', markersize=10.0, \
         color='yellow', label='result of interpolation #2', zorder=0.4)

# labels
ax.set_xlabel ('X [arbitrary unit]')
ax.set_ylabel ('Y [arbitrary unit]')

# legend
ax.legend ()

# saving the figure to a file
fig.savefig (file_output)

zorder を使って、描画の順番を指定すると、以下のような図ができるでござ る。 zorder で与えられた数が小さい順に描画されるので、下にしたいものに 小さな数字を与えればよいようでござる。



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