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sbpy を使って観測できる小惑星を探す方法

sbpy という Python のパッケージがある ことを知ったので、試してみたでござる。日時と観測地点を指定し、 JPL Horizons を使って小惑星の位置を調べ、高度と等級の条件を満たす小惑星が 見つかったら、その小惑星についての情報を書き出す、というプログラムを書 いてみたでござる。



# Time-stamp: <2023/06/23 21:51:33 (CST) daisuke>

# importing argparse module
import argparse

# importing sbpy module

# importing astropy module
import astropy.time
import astropy.units

# initialising a parser of argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser (description='Finding observable asteroids')

# adding arguments
parser.add_argument ('-t1', '--time1', default='2000-01-01T00:00', \
                     help='start time in UT (default: 2000-01-01T00:00)')
parser.add_argument ('-t2', '--time2', default='2000-01-02T00:00', \
                     help='end time in UT (default: 2000-01-02T00:00)')
parser.add_argument ('-d', '--dt', type=float, default=1.0, \
                     help='time step in hour for ephemeris (default: 1.0)')
parser.add_argument ('-n', '--number', type=int, default=10, \
                     help='number of asteroids for search (default: 10)')
parser.add_argument ('-a', '--alt', type=float, default=30.0, \
                     help='acceptable altitude (default: 30.0 deg)')
parser.add_argument ('-s', '--site', default='D35', \
                     help='observatory site (default: D35)')
parser.add_argument ('-m', '--mag', type=float, default=18.0, \
                     help='limiting magnitude in V-band (default: 20.0)')
parser.add_argument ('-o', '--output', default='asteroids.list', \
                     help='output file name (default: asteroids.list)')

# parsing arguments
args = parser.parse_args ()

# given arguments
time_start  = args.time1
time_end    = args.time2
step_hr     = args.dt
n_asteroids = args.number
req_alt     = args.alt
obs_site    =
limmag_V    = args.mag
file_output = args.output

# units
u_hr  = astropy.units.hour
u_deg = astropy.units.deg
u_mag = astropy.units.mag

# bar
bar1 = '-' * 71
bar2 = '=' * 78

# date/time in UT in astropy.time format
datetime_start_str = time_start
datetime_stop_str  = time_end
step               = step_hr * u_hr
datetime_start     = astropy.time.Time (datetime_start_str, scale='utc')
datetime_stop      = astropy.time.Time (datetime_stop_str, scale='utc')
datetime           = {'start': datetime_start, \
                      'stop':  datetime_stop, \
                      'step':  step}

# opening output file for writing
with open (file_output, 'w') as fh_output:
    # input parameters
    fh_output.write (f'# time_start  = {time_start}\n')
    fh_output.write (f'# time_end    = {time_end}\n')
    fh_output.write (f'# time step   = {step_hr}\n')
    fh_output.write (f'# n_asteroids = {n_asteroids}\n')
    fh_output.write (f'# req_alt     = {req_alt}\n')
    fh_output.write (f'# obs_site    = {obs_site}\n')
    fh_output.write (f'# limmag_V    = {limmag_V}\n')
    fh_output.write (f'# file_output = {file_output}\n')
    fh_output.write (f'{bar2}\n')
    # ephemeris
    for i in range (1, n_asteroids + 1):
        eph = (i, \
                                             location=obs_site, \

        # a flag for visibility
        observable = 1

        # check of visibility
        for j in range (len (eph)):
            if (eph["EL"][j].value < req_alt):
                observable = 0

        # check of apparent V-band magnitude
        for j in range (len (eph)):
            if (eph["V"][j].value > limmag_V):
                observable = 0

        # printing ephemeris
        if (observable):
            fh_output.write (f'{eph["targetname"][0]}\n')
            fh_output.write (f'  Date/Time                  RA   Dec')
            fh_output.write (f'    Az    El     R Delta alpha V-mag\n')
            fh_output.write (f'  {bar1}\n')
            for j in range (len (eph)):
                time_jd    = eph["epoch"][j]
                time_isot  = time_jd.to_value ('isot')
                fh_output.write (f'  {time_isot}')
                fh_output.write (f' {eph["RA"][j].value:5.1f}')
                fh_output.write (f' {eph["DEC"][j].value:+5.1f}')
                fh_output.write (f' {eph["AZ"][j].value:5.1f}')
                fh_output.write (f' {eph["EL"][j].value:+5.1f}')
                fh_output.write (f' {eph["r"][j].value:5.1f}')
                fh_output.write (f' {eph["delta"][j].value:5.1f}')
                fh_output.write (f' {eph["alpha"][j].value:5.1f}')
                fh_output.write (f' {eph["V"][j].value:5.2f}\n')
            fh_output.write (f'{bar2}\n')


% ./ -h
usage: [-h] [-t1 TIME1] [-t2 TIME2] [-d DT]
                                [-n NUMBER] [-a ALT] [-s SITE] [-m MAG]
                                [-o OUTPUT]

Finding observable asteroids

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t1 TIME1, --time1 TIME1
                        start time in UT (default: 2000-01-01T00:00)
  -t2 TIME2, --time2 TIME2
                        end time in UT (default: 2000-01-02T00:00)
  -d DT, --dt DT        time step in hour for ephemeris (default: 1.0)
  -n NUMBER, --number NUMBER
                        number of asteroids for search (default: 10)
  -a ALT, --alt ALT     acceptable altitude (default: 30.0 deg)
  -s SITE, --site SITE  observatory site (default: D35)
  -m MAG, --mag MAG     limiting magnitude in V-band (default: 20.0)
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        output file name (default: asteroids.list)


% ./ -t1 2023-07-01T14:00:00 -t2 2023-07-01T18:00:00 \
? -d 1 -n 500 -a 35 -s D35 -m 17 -o asteroids_20230701.list
% ls -lF asteroids_20230701.list 
-rw-r--r--  1 daisuke  taiwan  4005 Jun 23 21:58 asteroids_20230701.list
% cat asteroids_20230701.list
# time_start  = 2023-07-01T14:00:00
# time_end    = 2023-07-01T18:00:00
# time step   = 1.0
# n_asteroids = 500
# req_alt     = 35.0
# obs_site    = D35
# limmag_V    = 17.0
# file_output = asteroids_20230701.list
34 Circe (A855 GA)
  Date/Time                  RA   Dec    Az    El     R Delta alpha V-mag
  2023-07-01T14:00:00.000 271.7 -14.9 148.8 +46.2   2.8   1.8   4.1 12.57
  2023-07-01T15:00:00.000 271.7 -14.9 169.6 +51.1   2.8   1.8   4.1 12.57
  2023-07-01T16:00:00.000 271.7 -14.9 192.8 +50.8   2.8   1.8   4.1 12.57
  2023-07-01T17:00:00.000 271.6 -14.9 213.1 +45.4   2.8   1.8   4.1 12.57
  2023-07-01T18:00:00.000 271.6 -14.9 228.2 +36.3   2.8   1.8   4.1 12.57
153 Hilda (A875 VC)
  Date/Time                  RA   Dec    Az    El     R Delta alpha V-mag
  2023-07-01T14:00:00.000 270.9 -15.5 150.2 +45.9   3.4   2.4   3.4 12.58
  2023-07-01T15:00:00.000 270.9 -15.5 170.9 +50.6   3.4   2.4   3.4 12.58
  2023-07-01T16:00:00.000 270.9 -15.5 193.6 +50.0   3.4   2.4   3.4 12.58
  2023-07-01T17:00:00.000 270.9 -15.5 213.4 +44.4   3.4   2.4   3.4 12.58
  2023-07-01T18:00:00.000 270.9 -15.5 228.2 +35.4   3.4   2.4   3.4 12.58
242 Kriemhild (A884 SA)
  Date/Time                  RA   Dec    Az    El     R Delta alpha V-mag
  2023-07-01T14:00:00.000 277.9  -7.4 135.1 +48.8   3.2   2.2   5.0 14.04
  2023-07-01T15:00:00.000 277.9  -7.4 156.1 +56.6   3.2   2.2   5.0 14.04
  2023-07-01T16:00:00.000 277.9  -7.4 184.0 +59.1   3.2   2.2   5.0 14.04
  2023-07-01T17:00:00.000 277.9  -7.4 210.5 +54.9   3.2   2.2   5.0 14.04
  2023-07-01T18:00:00.000 277.9  -7.4 229.4 +45.9   3.2   2.2   5.0 14.04
246 Asporina (A885 EA)
  Date/Time                  RA   Dec    Az    El     R Delta alpha V-mag
  2023-07-01T14:00:00.000 278.6  +0.6 125.4 +54.0   2.4   1.5   9.8 11.86
  2023-07-01T15:00:00.000 278.6  +0.6 148.1 +63.6   2.4   1.5   9.8 11.86
  2023-07-01T16:00:00.000 278.5  +0.6 183.8 +67.1   2.4   1.5   9.8 11.86
  2023-07-01T17:00:00.000 278.5  +0.6 217.4 +62.1   2.4   1.5   9.7 11.86
  2023-07-01T18:00:00.000 278.5  +0.6 237.8 +51.8   2.4   1.5   9.7 11.86
393 Lampetia (A894 VC)
  Date/Time                  RA   Dec    Az    El     R Delta alpha V-mag
  2023-07-01T14:00:00.000 285.3  +6.7 110.6 +52.1   1.9   0.9  15.7 10.53
  2023-07-01T15:00:00.000 285.3  +6.7 127.4 +64.3   1.9   0.9  15.7 10.53
  2023-07-01T16:00:00.000 285.3  +6.7 162.4 +72.5   1.9   0.9  15.7 10.53
  2023-07-01T17:00:00.000 285.3  +6.7 210.9 +70.8   1.9   0.9  15.7 10.53
  2023-07-01T18:00:00.000 285.3  +6.7 238.9 +60.8   1.9   0.9  15.7 10.53
417 Suevia (A896 JB)
  Date/Time                  RA   Dec    Az    El     R Delta alpha V-mag
  2023-07-01T14:00:00.000 280.5 -12.7 137.2 +43.0   2.8   1.8   3.8 13.39
  2023-07-01T15:00:00.000 280.5 -12.7 155.5 +50.8   2.8   1.8   3.8 13.39
  2023-07-01T16:00:00.000 280.5 -12.7 179.1 +53.8   2.8   1.8   3.8 13.39
  2023-07-01T17:00:00.000 280.5 -12.7 203.0 +51.1   2.8   1.8   3.8 13.39
  2023-07-01T18:00:00.000 280.5 -12.7 221.8 +43.7   2.8   1.8   3.8 13.39

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