

HTML ファイル生成日時: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (台灣標準時)

astroplan の使い方 (12): 天体の天球面上の移動の軌跡の図を作る

astroplan を使って、与えられた場所と年月日における天体の天球面上の移動 の軌跡の図を作るには以下のようにすればよいようでござる。


# Time-stamp: <2022/07/03 12:30:24 (CST) daisuke>

# importing argparse module
import argparse

# importing pathlib module
import pathlib

# importing sys module
import sys

# importing numpy module
import numpy

# importing astropy module
import astropy.units
import astropy.time
import astropy.coordinates

# importing astroplan module
import astroplan
import astroplan.plots

# importing matplotlib module
import matplotlib.pyplot

# units
unit_m    = astropy.units.m
unit_rad  = astropy.units.rad
unit_deg  = astropy.units.deg
unit_hour = astropy.units.hour

# constructing parser object
desc   = "making a sky chart"
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser (description=desc)

# adding arguments
parser.add_argument ('-l', '--longitude', default='+121d11m12s', \
                     help='longitude of observing site in format "+121d11m12s"')
parser.add_argument ('-b', '--latitude', default='+24d58m12s', \
                     help='latitude of observing site in format "+24d58m12s"')
parser.add_argument ('-a', '--altitude', type=float, default=151.6, \
                     help='altitude above sea-level in metre')
parser.add_argument ('-t', '--datetime', default='2000-01-01T12:00:00.000', \
                     help='date/time in UT in "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss" format')
parser.add_argument ('-o', '--output', default='airmass.png', \
                     help='output file name (EPS, PDF, PNG, or PS file)')
parser.add_argument ('target', nargs='+', help='names of targets')

# command-line argument analysis
args = parser.parse_args ()

# input parameters
site_lon     = args.longitude
site_lat     = args.latitude
site_alt     = args.altitude * unit_m
datetime_str = args.datetime
file_output  = args.output
list_target  =

# making pathlib object
path_output = pathlib.Path (file_output)
if (path_output.exists ()):
    # printing message
    print ("ERROR: output file '%s' exists." % file_output)
    # exit
    sys.exit ()
if not ( (path_output.suffix == '.eps') or (path_output.suffix == '.pdf') \
         or (path_output.suffix == '.png') or (path_output.suffix == '.ps') ):
    # printing message
    print ("ERROR: output file must be either EPS, PDF, PNG, or PS.")
    # exit
    sys.exit ()

# printing input parameters
print ("#")
print ("# input parameters")
print ("#")
print ("#  Location:")
print ("#   longitude =", site_lon)
print ("#   latitude  =", site_lat)
print ("#   altitude  =", site_alt)
print ("#  Date/Time:")
print ("#   date/time (UT) =", datetime_str)
print ("#  Targets:")
for target in list_target:
    print ("#   %s" % target)
print ("#")

# location object
location = astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation.from_geodetic \
    (site_lon, site_lat, site_alt)

# observer object
observer = astroplan.Observer (location=location, name="observer", \

# time object
datetime = astropy.time.Time (datetime_str, scale='utc')
datetime = datetime + numpy.linspace (-8, +8, 100) * unit_hour

# processing each target
for i in range ( len (list_target) ):
    # object
    target = list_target[i]
    obj = astroplan.FixedTarget.from_name (target)
    astroplan.plots.plot_sky (obj, observer, datetime)

# plotting
matplotlib.pyplot.legend (loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1.0) )
matplotlib.pyplot.title ("sky chart")

# saving the plot into a file
matplotlib.pyplot.savefig (file_output, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=225)


% ./ -h
usage: [-h] [-l LONGITUDE] [-b LATITUDE] [-a ALTITUDE]
                              [-t DATETIME] [-o OUTPUT]
                              target [target ...]

making a sky chart

positional arguments:
  target                names of targets

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l LONGITUDE, --longitude LONGITUDE
                        longitude of observing site in format "+121d11m12s"
  -b LATITUDE, --latitude LATITUDE
                        latitude of observing site in format "+24d58m12s"
  -a ALTITUDE, --altitude ALTITUDE
                        altitude above sea-level in metre
  -t DATETIME, --datetime DATETIME
                        date/time in UT in "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss" format
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        output file name (EPS, PDF, PNG, or PS file)

% ./ -t 2022-07-03T16:00:00 -o sky_20220703.png \
? Arcturus Vega Antares Fomalhaut
# input parameters
#  Location:
#   longitude = +121d11m12s
#   latitude  = +24d58m12s
#   altitude  = 151.6 m
#  Date/Time:
#   date/time (UT) = 2022-07-03T16:00:00
#  Targets:
#   Arcturus
#   Vega
#   Antares
#   Fomalhaut
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-daisuke'
% ls -lF *.png
-rw-r--r--  1 daisuke  taiwan  174496 Jul  3 12:27 airmass_20220703.png
-rw-r--r--  1 daisuke  taiwan  175140 Jul  3 12:33 sky_20220703.png
% feh -dF sky_20220703.png



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