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astropy を使って太陽の位置を調べる

astropy を使って、与えられた場所での与えられた時間での太陽の座標を調べ るには、以下のようにすればよいようでござる。


# Time-stamp: <2022/07/03 10:40:02 (CST) daisuke>

# importing argparse module
import argparse

# importing astropy module
import astropy.units
import astropy.time
import astropy.coordinates

# importing ssl module
import ssl

# allow insecure downloading
ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context

# units
unit_m = astropy.units.m

# constructing parser object
desc   = "position of the Sun in (RA, Dec) at given location and time"
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser (description=desc)

# adding arguments
parser.add_argument ('-l', '--longitude', default='+121d11m12s', \
                     help='longitude of observing site in format "+121d11m12s"')
parser.add_argument ('-b', '--latitude', default='+24d58m12s', \
                     help='latitude of observing site in format "+24d58m12s"')
parser.add_argument ('-a', '--altitude', type=float, default=151.6, \
                     help='altitude above sea-level in metre')
parser.add_argument ('-t', '--datetime', default='2000-01-01T12:00:00.000', \
                     help='date/time in UT in "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss" format')

# command-line argument analysis
args = parser.parse_args ()

# input parameters
site_lon     = args.longitude
site_lat     = args.latitude
site_alt     = args.altitude * unit_m
datetime_str = args.datetime

# printing input parameters
print ("#")
print ("# input parameters")
print ("#")
print ("#  Location:")
print ("#   longitude =", site_lon)
print ("#   latitude  =", site_lat)
print ("#   altitude  =", site_alt)
print ("#  Date/Time:")
print ("#   date/time (UT) =", datetime_str)
print ("#")

# location object
location = astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation.from_geodetic \
    (site_lon, site_lat, site_alt)

# time object
datetime = astropy.time.Time (datetime_str, scale='utc')

# using DE430
astropy.coordinates.solar_system_ephemeris.set ('de430')

# position of the Sun
sun = astropy.coordinates.get_body ('sun', datetime, location)
(sun_ra, sun_dec) = sun.to_string ('hmsdms').split ()

# conversion from equatorial into ecliptic
sun_ecliptic = sun.transform_to \
    (astropy.coordinates.GeocentricMeanEcliptic (obstime=datetime) )
sun_lambda = sun_ecliptic.lon
sun_beta   =

# conversion from equatorial into horizontal
sun_altaz = sun.transform_to \
    (astropy.coordinates.AltAz (obstime=datetime, location=location) )
sun_alt = sun_altaz.alt
sun_az  =

# printing position of the Sun
print ("Sun:")
print ("  Equatorial: (RA, Dec)      = (%s, %s)" % (sun_ra, sun_dec) )
print ("  Ecliptic:   (lambda, beta) = (%s, %s)" % (sun_lambda, sun_beta) )
print ("  AltAz:      (Az, Alt)      = (%s, %s)" % (sun_az, sun_alt) )


% ./ -h
usage: [-h] [-l LONGITUDE] [-b LATITUDE] [-a ALTITUDE]
                              [-t DATETIME]

position of the Sun in (RA, Dec) at given location and time

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l LONGITUDE, --longitude LONGITUDE
                        longitude of observing site in format "+121d11m12s"
  -b LATITUDE, --latitude LATITUDE
                        latitude of observing site in format "+24d58m12s"
  -a ALTITUDE, --altitude ALTITUDE
                        altitude above sea-level in metre
  -t DATETIME, --datetime DATETIME
                        date/time in UT in "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss" format

% ./ -t 2022-07-03T04:00:00
# input parameters
#  Location:
#   longitude = +121d11m12s
#   latitude  = +24d58m12s
#   altitude  = 151.6 m
#  Date/Time:
#   date/time (UT) = 2022-07-03T04:00:00
  Equatorial: (RA, Dec)      = (06h47m32.47569282s, +22d59m12.51257435s)
  Ecliptic:   (lambda, beta) = (100d55m45.62031139s, -0d00m09.3442212s)
  AltAz:      (Az, Alt)      = (183d23m17.48446394s, 87d59m20.74531916s)


Frequently accessed files

  1. Computer___Python/20220518_0.html
  2. Computer___Network/20230726_00.html
  3. Misc___Taiwan/20240207_00.html
  4. Computer___Network/20230516_00.html
  5. Computer___FreeBSD/20220621_0.html
  6. Computer___Python/20220715_0.html
  7. Computer___Network/20230508_00.html
  8. Computer___Network/20240130_00.html
  9. Food___Taiwan/20220429_0.html
  10. Computer___NetBSD/20230119_00.html
  11. Computer___Network/20240416_00.html
  12. Computer___Python/20220410_0.html
  13. Computer___TeX/20231107_00.html
  14. Computer___NetBSD/20220817_3.html
  15. Computer___Python/20221013_0.html
  16. Computer___Debian/20210223_1.html
  17. Computer___Python/20210124_0.html
  18. Computer___Python/20240101_00.html
  19. Computer___NetBSD/20220818_1.html
  20. Computer___NetBSD/20220428_0.html
  21. Computer___NetBSD/20240101_02.html
  22. Computer___Network/20220413_1.html
  23. Misc___Japan/20240610_00.html
  24. Science___Math/20220420_0.html
  25. Computer___TeX/20230503_00.html
  26. Computer___TeX/20230726_01.html
  27. Science___Astronomy/20220503_0.html
  28. Computer___NetBSD/20220808_0.html
  29. Computer___NetBSD/20230515_00.html
  30. Computer___NetBSD/20210127_0.html

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