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ルンゲクッタを使って、軌道積分をしてみたでござる。コードは以下の通りに ござる。 scipy.integrate に含まれている solve_ivp () という関数を使っ たでござる。
#!/usr/pkg/bin/python3.9 # # Time-stamp: <2022/05/01 16:14:03 (CST) daisuke> # # importing argparse module import argparse # importing sys module import sys # importing numpy module import numpy # importing scipy module import scipy.integrate # importing matplotlib module import matplotlib.figure import matplotlib.backends.backend_agg # initialising a parser desc = 'Keplerian motion' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser (description=desc) # adding arguments parser.add_argument ('-x0', '--x0', type=float, default=1.0, help='initial position in X (default: 1 au)') parser.add_argument ('-y0', '--y0', type=float, default=0.0, help='initial position in Y (default: 0 au)') parser.add_argument ('-vx0', '--vx0', type=float, default=0.0, help='initial velocity in X (default: 0 sqrt(GM)') parser.add_argument ('-vy0', '--vy0', type=float, default=1.0, help='initial velocity in Y (default: 1 sqrt(GM))') parser.add_argument ('-M', '--M', type=float, default=1.0, help='mass of star (default: 1 solar mass)') parser.add_argument ('-t', '--time', type=float, default=100.0, help='time of simulation (default: 100 yr)') parser.add_argument ('-i', '--interval', type=float, default=0.01, help='time interval of image creation (default: 0.01 yr)') parser.add_argument ('-r', '--resolution', type=int, default=225, \ help='resolution of output file (default: 225 dpi)') parser.add_argument ('-o', '--output', default='', \ help='output PNG file prefix') # parsing arguments args = parser.parse_args () # parameters qx0 = args.x0 qy0 = args.y0 vx0 = args.vx0 vy0 = args.vy0 Mstar = args.M time_end = args.time dt = args.interval resolution = args.resolution output_prefix = args.output # check of output_prefix if (output_prefix == ''): print ("ERROR: output file prefix must be given!") sys.exit () # # constants # # unit of time: year # unit of distance: au # gravitational constant GM = 4.0 * numpy.pi * numpy.pi # # equation of motion # def eqmo (t, y): dy = numpy.zeros_like (y) r_cubed = ( y[0]**2 + y[2]**2 )**1.5 dy[0] = y[1] dy[1] = -GM * y[0] / r_cubed dy[2] = y[3] dy[3] = -GM * y[2] / r_cubed return dy # time to write position and velocity n_step = int (time_end / dt) + 1 t_eval = numpy.linspace (0.0, time_end, n_step) # initial values y_init = (qx0, vx0 * numpy.sqrt (GM), qy0, vy0 * numpy.sqrt (GM)) # orbital integration sol = scipy.integrate.solve_ivp (eqmo, [0.0, time_end], y_init, \ t_eval=t_eval, dense_output=True, \ rtol=10**-6, atol=10**-9) # results (positions and velocities) qx = sol.y[0] qy = sol.y[2] vx = sol.y[1] vy = sol.y[3] # finding maximum and minimum values qx_min = +10**10 qx_max = -10**10 qy_min = +10**10 qy_max = -10**10 for i in range ( len (qx) ): if (qx[i] < qx_min): qx_min = qx[i] if (qx[i] > qx_max): qx_max = qx[i] if (qy[i] < qy_min): qy_min = qy[i] if (qy[i] > qy_max): qy_max = qy[i] list_maxmin = [abs (qx_min), abs (qx_max), abs (qy_min), abs (qy_max)] sorted_maxmin = sorted (list_maxmin) x_min = -1.0 * sorted_maxmin[-1] * 1.2 x_max = +1.0 * sorted_maxmin[-1] * 1.2 y_min = -1.0 * sorted_maxmin[-1] * 1.2 y_max = +1.0 * sorted_maxmin[-1] * 1.2 # making plots for i in range ( len (qx) ): print ("%08d %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f" % (i, qx[i], qy[i], vx[i], vy[i]) ) # output file name file_output = "%s_%08d.png" % (output_prefix, i) # # plotting using Matplotlib # # making objects "fig" and "ax" fig = matplotlib.figure.Figure () matplotlib.backends.backend_agg.FigureCanvasAgg (fig) ax = fig.add_subplot (111) # axes ax.set_title ('Planetary Motion') ax.set_xlabel ('X [au]') ax.set_ylabel ('Y [au]') ax.set_xlim (x_min, x_max) ax.set_ylim (y_min, y_max) ax.set_aspect ('equal') # plotting a figure ax.plot (0.0, 0.0, color='yellow', marker='o', markersize=10, \ label='star') if (i < 100): for j in range (i): ax.plot (qx[j], qy[j], color='cyan', marker='o', markersize=3, \ alpha=j/i) else: for j in range (100): ax.plot (qx[i-j], qy[i-j], color='cyan', marker='o', markersize=3, \ alpha=1.0-j/100.0) ax.plot (qx[0:i], qy[0:i], color='black', marker=',', alpha=0.5) ax.plot (qx[i], qy[i], color='green', marker='o', markersize=5, \ label='planet') text_time = "Time: %8.2f year" % (i * dt) text_initial = "Initial conditions" text_mass = "mass of star = %5.2f solar mass" % (Mstar) text_iq = "(qx0, qy0) = (%4.2f au, %4.2f au)" \ % (qx0, qy0) text_iv = "(vx0, vy0) = (%4.2f au/yr, %4.2f au/yr)" \ % (vx0 * numpy.sqrt (GM), vy0 * numpy.sqrt (GM)) ax.text (0.03, 0.95, text_time, transform=ax.transAxes) ax.text (0.03, 0.18, text_initial, transform=ax.transAxes) ax.text (0.05, 0.13, text_mass, transform=ax.transAxes) ax.text (0.05, 0.08, text_iq, transform=ax.transAxes) ax.text (0.05, 0.03, text_iv, transform=ax.transAxes) ax.legend () # saving the figure to a file fig.savefig (file_output, dpi=resolution)
% chmod a+x kepler_00.py % ./kepler_00.py -h usage: kepler_00.py [-h] [-x0 X0] [-y0 Y0] [-vx0 VX0] [-vy0 VY0] [-M M] [-t TIME] [-i INTERVAL] [-r RESOLUTION] [-o OUTPUT] Keplerian motion optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -x0 X0, --x0 X0 initial position in X (default: 1 au) -y0 Y0, --y0 Y0 initial position in Y (default: 0 au) -vx0 VX0, --vx0 VX0 initial velocity in X (default: 0 sqrt(GM) -vy0 VY0, --vy0 VY0 initial velocity in Y (default: 1 sqrt(GM)) -M M, --M M mass of star (default: 1 solar mass) -t TIME, --time TIME time of simulation (default: 100 yr) -i INTERVAL, --interval INTERVAL time interval of image creation (default: 0.01 yr) -r RESOLUTION, --resolution RESOLUTION resolution of output file (default: 225 dpi) -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT output PNG file prefix % ./kepler_00.py -o orb -vy0 1.3
多数の PNG ファイルができるので、それらを使って動画を作れば完成にござる。
% ffmpeg5 -f image2 -start_number 0 -framerate 30 -i orb_%08d.png \ ? -an -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -threads 12 orb_no_audio.mp4 % ffmpeg5 -i orb_no_audio.mp4 -i foo.f251.webm -c:v copy orb_with_audio.mp4