

HTML ファイル生成日時: 2025/02/19 17:13:34.229 (台灣標準時)

X11 colours

X-Window System で利用可能な色がすぐにわかる HTML ファイルを生成する Python スクリプトを作ってみたでござる。 /usr/X11R7/lib/X11/rgb.txt を 読み込んで、 HTML ファイルを生成してみたでござる。

Python スクリプトのソースコードは以下の通りでござる。


# Time-stamp: <2024/08/29 21:01:00 (UT+8) daisuke>

# importing argparse module
import argparse

# importing pathlib module
import pathlib

# importing sys module
import sys

# default values
default_file_rgb    = '/usr/X11R7/lib/X11/rgb.txt'
default_file_output = 'x11_colours.html'

# constructing a parser object
descr  = 'making a X11 colour table'
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser (description=descr)

# adding arguments
parser.add_argument ('-i', '--file-rgb', default=default_file_rgb, \
                     help='location of file "rgb.txt" (default: /usr/X11R7/lib/X11/rgb.txt)')
parser.add_argument ('-o', '--file-output', default=default_file_output, \
                     help='output file (default: x11_colours.html)')

# parsing argument
args = parser.parse_args ()

# parameters
file_rgb    = args.file_rgb
file_output = args.file_output

# making pathlib objects
path_rgb    = pathlib.Path (file_rgb)
path_output = pathlib.Path (file_output)

# existence check of "rgb.txt"
if not (path_rgb.exists ()):
    # printing error message
    print (f'#')
    print (f'# ERROR: file "{file_rgb}" does not exist!')
    print (f'#')
    # stopping the script
    sys.exit (1)

# if not a regular file, then stop the script
if not (path_rgb.is_file ()):
    # printing error message
    print (f'#')
    print (f'# ERROR: file "{file_rgb}" is not a regular file!')
    print (f'#')
    # stopping the script
    sys.exit (1)

# if file_output already exists, then stop the script
if (path_output.exists ()):
    # printing error message
    print (f'#')
    print (f'# ERROR: file "{file_output}" exists!')
    print (f'#')
    # stopping the script
    sys.exit (1)

# header of HTML file
html_header = '''
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
html {
    font-size: 12px;
body {
    font-size: 1.5rem;
.blink {
    animation: blinking 1s ease-in-out infinite alternate;
@keyframes blinking {
    0% {opacity: 0.3;}
    100% {opacity: 1;}
img {
  max-width: 100%;
  display:   block;
.items {
  display:         flex;
  justify-content: space-between;
.strike {
  text-decoration: line-through;
pre {
  display:          inline-block;
  padding:          0.2em 1.0em;
  background-color: #d1f2eb;
  border:           solid 3px Black;
  border-radius:    10px;
table {
  display: inline-table;
  margin:  1em;
  border:  solid 5px;
table th {
  border: solid 2px;
table td {
  border: solid 1px;
<title>X11 Colours</title>
<h1>X11 Colours</h1>
<table border=1>
 <th>Colour Name</th>
 <th>Colour Code (hex)</th>
 <th>R value</th>
 <th>G value</th>
 <th>B value</th>

# footer of HTML file
html_footer = '''
<address>HTML file created by Daisuke</address>

# initialisation of dictionary for colours
dic_colours = {}

# opening file for writing
with open (file_output, 'w') as fh_out:
    # writing HTML header to output file
    fh_out.write (html_header)
    # opening file
    with open (file_rgb, 'r') as fh_in:
        # reading file line-by-line
        for line in fh_in:
            # removing line feed at the end of line
            line = line.strip ()
            # getting colour code and colour name
            (colour_code, colour_name) = line.split ('\t\t')
            # values of R, G, and B
            (r_str, g_str, b_str) = colour_code.split ()
            # converting string into integer
                r_int = int (r_str)
                print (f'#')
                print (f'# WARNING: unable to convert "{r_str}" into integer!')
                print (f'#')
                g_int = int (g_str)
                print (f'#')
                print (f'# WARNING: unable to convert "{g_str}" into integer!')
                print (f'#')
                b_int = int (b_str)
                print (f'#')
                print (f'# WARNING: unable to convert "{b_str}" into integer!')
                print (f'#')
            # converting decimal into hex
            r_hex = hex (r_int)[2:]
            g_hex = hex (g_int)[2:]
            b_hex = hex (b_int)[2:]
            if (len (r_hex) == 1):
                r_hex = f'0{r_hex:1s}'
            if (len (g_hex) == 1):
                g_hex = f'0{g_hex:1s}'
            if (len (b_hex) == 1):
                b_hex = f'0{b_hex:1s}'
            rgb_hex = f'#{r_hex:2s}{g_hex:2s}{b_hex:2s}'
            # adding data to dictionary
            dic_colours[colour_name] = {}
            dic_colours[colour_name]["hex"] = rgb_hex
            dic_colours[colour_name]["r"]   = r_int
            dic_colours[colour_name]["g"]   = g_int
            dic_colours[colour_name]["b"]   = b_int
    # processing each colour
    for key, value in sorted (dic_colours.items (), \
                              key=lambda x: x[1]["hex"], reverse=True):
        # printing data
        fh_out.write (f'<tr>\n')
        fh_out.write (f' <td align=left>{key}</td>\n')
        fh_out.write (f' <td align=right>{dic_colours[key]["hex"]}</td>\n')
        fh_out.write (f' <td align=right>{dic_colours[key]["r"]}</td>\n')
        fh_out.write (f' <td align=right>{dic_colours[key]["g"]}</td>\n')
        fh_out.write (f' <td align=right>{dic_colours[key]["b"]}</td>\n')
        fh_out.write (f' <td style="width:512px;background-color:{dic_colours[key]["hex"]};"></td>\n')
        fh_out.write (f'</tr>\n')
    # writing HTML footer to output file
    fh_out.write (html_footer)


% python3.12


Colour Name Colour Code (hex) R value G value B value Colour
white #ffffff 255 255 255
gray100 #ffffff 255 255 255
grey100 #ffffff 255 255 255
ivory #fffff0 255 255 240
ivory1 #fffff0 255 255 240
light yellow #ffffe0 255 255 224
LightYellow #ffffe0 255 255 224
LightYellow1 #ffffe0 255 255 224
yellow #ffff00 255 255 0
yellow1 #ffff00 255 255 0
snow #fffafa 255 250 250
snow1 #fffafa 255 250 250
floral white #fffaf0 255 250 240
FloralWhite #fffaf0 255 250 240
lemon chiffon #fffacd 255 250 205
LemonChiffon #fffacd 255 250 205
LemonChiffon1 #fffacd 255 250 205
cornsilk #fff8dc 255 248 220
cornsilk1 #fff8dc 255 248 220
khaki1 #fff68f 255 246 143
seashell #fff5ee 255 245 238
seashell1 #fff5ee 255 245 238
lavender blush #fff0f5 255 240 245
LavenderBlush #fff0f5 255 240 245
LavenderBlush1 #fff0f5 255 240 245
AntiqueWhite1 #ffefdb 255 239 219
papaya whip #ffefd5 255 239 213
PapayaWhip #ffefd5 255 239 213
LightGoldenrod1 #ffec8b 255 236 139
blanched almond #ffebcd 255 235 205
BlanchedAlmond #ffebcd 255 235 205
wheat1 #ffe7ba 255 231 186
misty rose #ffe4e1 255 228 225
MistyRose #ffe4e1 255 228 225
MistyRose1 #ffe4e1 255 228 225
bisque #ffe4c4 255 228 196
bisque1 #ffe4c4 255 228 196
moccasin #ffe4b5 255 228 181
thistle1 #ffe1ff 255 225 255
navajo white #ffdead 255 222 173
NavajoWhite #ffdead 255 222 173
NavajoWhite1 #ffdead 255 222 173
peach puff #ffdab9 255 218 185
PeachPuff #ffdab9 255 218 185
PeachPuff1 #ffdab9 255 218 185
gold #ffd700 255 215 0
gold1 #ffd700 255 215 0
burlywood1 #ffd39b 255 211 155
RosyBrown1 #ffc1c1 255 193 193
goldenrod1 #ffc125 255 193 37
pink #ffc0cb 255 192 203
plum1 #ffbbff 255 187 255
DarkGoldenrod1 #ffb90f 255 185 15
light pink #ffb6c1 255 182 193
LightPink #ffb6c1 255 182 193
pink1 #ffb5c5 255 181 197
LightPink1 #ffaeb9 255 174 185
tan1 #ffa54f 255 165 79
orange #ffa500 255 165 0
orange1 #ffa500 255 165 0
light salmon #ffa07a 255 160 122
LightSalmon #ffa07a 255 160 122
LightSalmon1 #ffa07a 255 160 122
salmon1 #ff8c69 255 140 105
dark orange #ff8c00 255 140 0
DarkOrange #ff8c00 255 140 0
orchid1 #ff83fa 255 131 250
PaleVioletRed1 #ff82ab 255 130 171
sienna1 #ff8247 255 130 71
coral #ff7f50 255 127 80
chocolate1 #ff7f24 255 127 36
DarkOrange1 #ff7f00 255 127 0
coral1 #ff7256 255 114 86
HotPink1 #ff6eb4 255 110 180
IndianRed1 #ff6a6a 255 106 106
hot pink #ff69b4 255 105 180
HotPink #ff69b4 255 105 180
tomato #ff6347 255 99 71
tomato1 #ff6347 255 99 71
orange red #ff4500 255 69 0
OrangeRed #ff4500 255 69 0
OrangeRed1 #ff4500 255 69 0
brown1 #ff4040 255 64 64
VioletRed1 #ff3e96 255 62 150
maroon1 #ff34b3 255 52 179
firebrick1 #ff3030 255 48 48
deep pink #ff1493 255 20 147
DeepPink #ff1493 255 20 147
DeepPink1 #ff1493 255 20 147
magenta #ff00ff 255 0 255
fuchsia #ff00ff 255 0 255
magenta1 #ff00ff 255 0 255
red #ff0000 255 0 0
red1 #ff0000 255 0 0
old lace #fdf5e6 253 245 230
OldLace #fdf5e6 253 245 230
gray99 #fcfcfc 252 252 252
grey99 #fcfcfc 252 252 252
gray98 #fafafa 250 250 250
grey98 #fafafa 250 250 250
light goldenrod yellow #fafad2 250 250 210
LightGoldenrodYellow #fafad2 250 250 210
linen #faf0e6 250 240 230
antique white #faebd7 250 235 215
AntiqueWhite #faebd7 250 235 215
salmon #fa8072 250 128 114
ghost white #f8f8ff 248 248 255
GhostWhite #f8f8ff 248 248 255
gray97 #f7f7f7 247 247 247
grey97 #f7f7f7 247 247 247
mint cream #f5fffa 245 255 250
MintCream #f5fffa 245 255 250
white smoke #f5f5f5 245 245 245
WhiteSmoke #f5f5f5 245 245 245
gray96 #f5f5f5 245 245 245
grey96 #f5f5f5 245 245 245
beige #f5f5dc 245 245 220
wheat #f5deb3 245 222 179
sandy brown #f4a460 244 164 96
SandyBrown #f4a460 244 164 96
gray95 #f2f2f2 242 242 242
grey95 #f2f2f2 242 242 242
azure #f0ffff 240 255 255
azure1 #f0ffff 240 255 255
honeydew #f0fff0 240 255 240
honeydew1 #f0fff0 240 255 240
alice blue #f0f8ff 240 248 255
AliceBlue #f0f8ff 240 248 255
gray94 #f0f0f0 240 240 240
grey94 #f0f0f0 240 240 240
khaki #f0e68c 240 230 140
light coral #f08080 240 128 128
LightCoral #f08080 240 128 128
ivory2 #eeeee0 238 238 224
LightYellow2 #eeeed1 238 238 209
yellow2 #eeee00 238 238 0
snow2 #eee9e9 238 233 233
LemonChiffon2 #eee9bf 238 233 191
cornsilk2 #eee8cd 238 232 205
pale goldenrod #eee8aa 238 232 170
PaleGoldenrod #eee8aa 238 232 170
khaki2 #eee685 238 230 133
seashell2 #eee5de 238 229 222
LavenderBlush2 #eee0e5 238 224 229
AntiqueWhite2 #eedfcc 238 223 204
light goldenrod #eedd82 238 221 130
LightGoldenrod #eedd82 238 221 130
LightGoldenrod2 #eedc82 238 220 130
wheat2 #eed8ae 238 216 174
MistyRose2 #eed5d2 238 213 210
bisque2 #eed5b7 238 213 183
thistle2 #eed2ee 238 210 238
NavajoWhite2 #eecfa1 238 207 161
PeachPuff2 #eecbad 238 203 173
gold2 #eec900 238 201 0
burlywood2 #eec591 238 197 145
RosyBrown2 #eeb4b4 238 180 180
goldenrod2 #eeb422 238 180 34
plum2 #eeaeee 238 174 238
DarkGoldenrod2 #eead0e 238 173 14
pink2 #eea9b8 238 169 184
LightPink2 #eea2ad 238 162 173
tan2 #ee9a49 238 154 73
orange2 #ee9a00 238 154 0
LightSalmon2 #ee9572 238 149 114
violet #ee82ee 238 130 238
salmon2 #ee8262 238 130 98
orchid2 #ee7ae9 238 122 233
PaleVioletRed2 #ee799f 238 121 159
sienna2 #ee7942 238 121 66
chocolate2 #ee7621 238 118 33
DarkOrange2 #ee7600 238 118 0
HotPink2 #ee6aa7 238 106 167
coral2 #ee6a50 238 106 80
IndianRed2 #ee6363 238 99 99
tomato2 #ee5c42 238 92 66
OrangeRed2 #ee4000 238 64 0
brown2 #ee3b3b 238 59 59
VioletRed2 #ee3a8c 238 58 140
maroon2 #ee30a7 238 48 167
firebrick2 #ee2c2c 238 44 44
DeepPink2 #ee1289 238 18 137
magenta2 #ee00ee 238 0 238
red2 #ee0000 238 0 0
gray93 #ededed 237 237 237
grey93 #ededed 237 237 237
gray92 #ebebeb 235 235 235
grey92 #ebebeb 235 235 235
dark salmon #e9967a 233 150 122
DarkSalmon #e9967a 233 150 122
gray91 #e8e8e8 232 232 232
grey91 #e8e8e8 232 232 232
lavender #e6e6fa 230 230 250
gray90 #e5e5e5 229 229 229
grey90 #e5e5e5 229 229 229
gray89 #e3e3e3 227 227 227
grey89 #e3e3e3 227 227 227
light cyan #e0ffff 224 255 255
LightCyan #e0ffff 224 255 255
LightCyan1 #e0ffff 224 255 255
azure2 #e0eeee 224 238 238
honeydew2 #e0eee0 224 238 224
gray88 #e0e0e0 224 224 224
grey88 #e0e0e0 224 224 224
MediumOrchid1 #e066ff 224 102 255
gray87 #dedede 222 222 222
grey87 #dedede 222 222 222
burlywood #deb887 222 184 135
plum #dda0dd 221 160 221
gainsboro #dcdcdc 220 220 220
crimson #dc143c 220 20 60
gray86 #dbdbdb 219 219 219
grey86 #dbdbdb 219 219 219
pale violet red #db7093 219 112 147
PaleVioletRed #db7093 219 112 147
goldenrod #daa520 218 165 32
orchid #da70d6 218 112 214
gray85 #d9d9d9 217 217 217
grey85 #d9d9d9 217 217 217
thistle #d8bfd8 216 191 216
gray84 #d6d6d6 214 214 214
grey84 #d6d6d6 214 214 214
gray83 #d4d4d4 212 212 212
grey83 #d4d4d4 212 212 212
light grey #d3d3d3 211 211 211
LightGrey #d3d3d3 211 211 211
light gray #d3d3d3 211 211 211
LightGray #d3d3d3 211 211 211
tan #d2b48c 210 180 140
chocolate #d2691e 210 105 30
LightCyan2 #d1eeee 209 238 238
gray82 #d1d1d1 209 209 209
grey82 #d1d1d1 209 209 209
MediumOrchid2 #d15fee 209 95 238
violet red #d02090 208 32 144
VioletRed #d02090 208 32 144
gray81 #cfcfcf 207 207 207
grey81 #cfcfcf 207 207 207
ivory3 #cdcdc1 205 205 193
LightYellow3 #cdcdb4 205 205 180
yellow3 #cdcd00 205 205 0
snow3 #cdc9c9 205 201 201
LemonChiffon3 #cdc9a5 205 201 165
cornsilk3 #cdc8b1 205 200 177
khaki3 #cdc673 205 198 115
seashell3 #cdc5bf 205 197 191
LavenderBlush3 #cdc1c5 205 193 197
AntiqueWhite3 #cdc0b0 205 192 176
LightGoldenrod3 #cdbe70 205 190 112
wheat3 #cdba96 205 186 150
MistyRose3 #cdb7b5 205 183 181
bisque3 #cdb79e 205 183 158
thistle3 #cdb5cd 205 181 205
NavajoWhite3 #cdb38b 205 179 139
PeachPuff3 #cdaf95 205 175 149
gold3 #cdad00 205 173 0
burlywood3 #cdaa7d 205 170 125
RosyBrown3 #cd9b9b 205 155 155
goldenrod3 #cd9b1d 205 155 29
plum3 #cd96cd 205 150 205
DarkGoldenrod3 #cd950c 205 149 12
pink3 #cd919e 205 145 158
LightPink3 #cd8c95 205 140 149
peru #cd853f 205 133 63
tan3 #cd853f 205 133 63
orange3 #cd8500 205 133 0
LightSalmon3 #cd8162 205 129 98
salmon3 #cd7054 205 112 84
orchid3 #cd69c9 205 105 201
PaleVioletRed3 #cd6889 205 104 137
sienna3 #cd6839 205 104 57
chocolate3 #cd661d 205 102 29
DarkOrange3 #cd6600 205 102 0
HotPink3 #cd6090 205 96 144
indian red #cd5c5c 205 92 92
IndianRed #cd5c5c 205 92 92
coral3 #cd5b45 205 91 69
IndianRed3 #cd5555 205 85 85
tomato3 #cd4f39 205 79 57
OrangeRed3 #cd3700 205 55 0
brown3 #cd3333 205 51 51
VioletRed3 #cd3278 205 50 120
maroon3 #cd2990 205 41 144
firebrick3 #cd2626 205 38 38
DeepPink3 #cd1076 205 16 118
magenta3 #cd00cd 205 0 205
red3 #cd0000 205 0 0
gray80 #cccccc 204 204 204
grey80 #cccccc 204 204 204
DarkOliveGreen1 #caff70 202 255 112
LightSteelBlue1 #cae1ff 202 225 255
gray79 #c9c9c9 201 201 201
grey79 #c9c9c9 201 201 201
gray78 #c7c7c7 199 199 199
grey78 #c7c7c7 199 199 199
medium violet red #c71585 199 21 133
MediumVioletRed #c71585 199 21 133
SlateGray1 #c6e2ff 198 226 255
gray77 #c4c4c4 196 196 196
grey77 #c4c4c4 196 196 196
gray76 #c2c2c2 194 194 194
grey76 #c2c2c2 194 194 194
DarkSeaGreen1 #c1ffc1 193 255 193
azure3 #c1cdcd 193 205 205
honeydew3 #c1cdc1 193 205 193
OliveDrab1 #c0ff3e 192 255 62
silver #c0c0c0 192 192 192
LightBlue1 #bfefff 191 239 255
gray75 #bfbfbf 191 191 191
grey75 #bfbfbf 191 191 191
DarkOrchid1 #bf3eff 191 62 255
gray #bebebe 190 190 190
grey #bebebe 190 190 190
x11 gray #bebebe 190 190 190
X11Gray #bebebe 190 190 190
x11 grey #bebebe 190 190 190
X11Grey #bebebe 190 190 190
gray74 #bdbdbd 189 189 189
grey74 #bdbdbd 189 189 189
dark khaki #bdb76b 189 183 107
DarkKhaki #bdb76b 189 183 107
DarkOliveGreen2 #bcee68 188 238 104
LightSteelBlue2 #bcd2ee 188 210 238
rosy brown #bc8f8f 188 143 143
RosyBrown #bc8f8f 188 143 143
PaleTurquoise1 #bbffff 187 255 255
gray73 #bababa 186 186 186
grey73 #bababa 186 186 186
medium orchid #ba55d3 186 85 211
MediumOrchid #ba55d3 186 85 211
SlateGray2 #b9d3ee 185 211 238
gray72 #b8b8b8 184 184 184
grey72 #b8b8b8 184 184 184
dark goldenrod #b8860b 184 134 11
DarkGoldenrod #b8860b 184 134 11
gray71 #b5b5b5 181 181 181
grey71 #b5b5b5 181 181 181
DarkSeaGreen2 #b4eeb4 180 238 180
LightCyan3 #b4cdcd 180 205 205
MediumOrchid3 #b452cd 180 82 205
OliveDrab2 #b3ee3a 179 238 58
gray70 #b3b3b3 179 179 179
grey70 #b3b3b3 179 179 179
LightBlue2 #b2dfee 178 223 238
DarkOrchid2 #b23aee 178 58 238
firebrick #b22222 178 34 34
LightSkyBlue1 #b0e2ff 176 226 255
powder blue #b0e0e6 176 224 230
PowderBlue #b0e0e6 176 224 230
light steel blue #b0c4de 176 196 222
LightSteelBlue #b0c4de 176 196 222
gray69 #b0b0b0 176 176 176
grey69 #b0b0b0 176 176 176
maroon #b03060 176 48 96
x11 maroon #b03060 176 48 96
X11Maroon #b03060 176 48 96
pale turquoise #afeeee 175 238 238
PaleTurquoise #afeeee 175 238 238
PaleTurquoise2 #aeeeee 174 238 238
green yellow #adff2f 173 255 47
GreenYellow #adff2f 173 255 47
light blue #add8e6 173 216 230
LightBlue #add8e6 173 216 230
gray68 #adadad 173 173 173
grey68 #adadad 173 173 173
gray67 #ababab 171 171 171
grey67 #ababab 171 171 171
MediumPurple1 #ab82ff 171 130 255
dark grey #a9a9a9 169 169 169
DarkGrey #a9a9a9 169 169 169
dark gray #a9a9a9 169 169 169
DarkGray #a9a9a9 169 169 169
gray66 #a8a8a8 168 168 168
grey66 #a8a8a8 168 168 168
gray65 #a6a6a6 166 166 166
grey65 #a6a6a6 166 166 166
brown #a52a2a 165 42 42
LightSkyBlue2 #a4d3ee 164 211 238
gray64 #a3a3a3 163 163 163
grey64 #a3a3a3 163 163 163
DarkOliveGreen3 #a2cd5a 162 205 90
LightSteelBlue3 #a2b5cd 162 181 205
gray63 #a1a1a1 161 161 161
grey63 #a1a1a1 161 161 161
sienna #a0522d 160 82 45
purple #a020f0 160 32 240
x11 purple #a020f0 160 32 240
X11Purple #a020f0 160 32 240
SlateGray3 #9fb6cd 159 182 205
MediumPurple2 #9f79ee 159 121 238
gray62 #9e9e9e 158 158 158
grey62 #9e9e9e 158 158 158
gray61 #9c9c9c 156 156 156
grey61 #9c9c9c 156 156 156
DarkSeaGreen3 #9bcd9b 155 205 155
purple1 #9b30ff 155 48 255
PaleGreen1 #9aff9a 154 255 154
yellow green #9acd32 154 205 50
YellowGreen #9acd32 154 205 50
OliveDrab3 #9acd32 154 205 50
LightBlue3 #9ac0cd 154 192 205
DarkOrchid3 #9a32cd 154 50 205
gray60 #999999 153 153 153
grey60 #999999 153 153 153
dark orchid #9932cc 153 50 204
DarkOrchid #9932cc 153 50 204
pale green #98fb98 152 251 152
PaleGreen #98fb98 152 251 152
CadetBlue1 #98f5ff 152 245 255
DarkSlateGray1 #97ffff 151 255 255
PaleTurquoise3 #96cdcd 150 205 205
gray59 #969696 150 150 150
grey59 #969696 150 150 150
gray58 #949494 148 148 148
grey58 #949494 148 148 148
dark violet #9400d3 148 0 211
DarkViolet #9400d3 148 0 211
medium purple #9370db 147 112 219
MediumPurple #9370db 147 112 219
gray57 #919191 145 145 145
grey57 #919191 145 145 145
purple2 #912cee 145 44 238
PaleGreen2 #90ee90 144 238 144
light green #90ee90 144 238 144
LightGreen #90ee90 144 238 144
dark sea green #8fbc8f 143 188 143
DarkSeaGreen #8fbc8f 143 188 143
gray56 #8f8f8f 143 143 143
grey56 #8f8f8f 143 143 143
CadetBlue2 #8ee5ee 142 229 238
DarkSlateGray2 #8deeee 141 238 238
LightSkyBlue3 #8db6cd 141 182 205
gray55 #8c8c8c 140 140 140
grey55 #8c8c8c 140 140 140
ivory4 #8b8b83 139 139 131
LightYellow4 #8b8b7a 139 139 122
yellow4 #8b8b00 139 139 0
snow4 #8b8989 139 137 137
LemonChiffon4 #8b8970 139 137 112
cornsilk4 #8b8878 139 136 120
seashell4 #8b8682 139 134 130
khaki4 #8b864e 139 134 78
LavenderBlush4 #8b8386 139 131 134
AntiqueWhite4 #8b8378 139 131 120
LightGoldenrod4 #8b814c 139 129 76
wheat4 #8b7e66 139 126 102
MistyRose4 #8b7d7b 139 125 123
bisque4 #8b7d6b 139 125 107
thistle4 #8b7b8b 139 123 139
NavajoWhite4 #8b795e 139 121 94
PeachPuff4 #8b7765 139 119 101
gold4 #8b7500 139 117 0
burlywood4 #8b7355 139 115 85
RosyBrown4 #8b6969 139 105 105
goldenrod4 #8b6914 139 105 20
plum4 #8b668b 139 102 139
DarkGoldenrod4 #8b6508 139 101 8
pink4 #8b636c 139 99 108
LightPink4 #8b5f65 139 95 101
tan4 #8b5a2b 139 90 43
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