A list of useful astronomical papers
CAUTION: This page is for internal use only.
- Data analysis
- Lomb-Scargle periodogram
- "Least-Squares
Frequency Analysis of Unequally Spaced Data", Lomb, 1976,
Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume 39, Issue 2,
- "Studies in
astronomical time series analysis. II. Statistical aspects
of spectral analysis of unevenly spaced data", Scargle,
1982, Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 263, p. 835-853.
- "Understanding
the Lomb-Scargle Periodogram", VanderPlas, 2018, ApJS,
236, 16.
- "The generalised
Lomb-Scargle periodogram: A new formalism for the
floating-mean and Keplerian periodograms", Zechmeister
and Kürster, 2009, A&A, 496, 577.
- "Unevenly-sampled
signals: a general formalismfor the Lomb-Scargle
periodogram", Vio et al., 2010, A&A, 519, A85.
- Phase Dispersion Miminization
- "Period
determination using phase dispersion minimization",
Stellingwerf, 1978, ApJ, 224, 953.
- "Phase
dispersion minimisation methods for estimation of periods
from unequally spaced sequences of data", Pelt, 1983,
Proceedings of "Statistical Methods in Astronomy",
- "A test of
significance for periods derived using
phase-dispersion-minimization techniques", Linnell Nemec
and Nemec, 1985, AJ, 90, 2317.
- "PDM13: a new graphical
interfaced program for frequency analysis", Zalian et al.,
2014, MNRAS, 2014, 440, 68.
- "Multi-Phase
Dispersion Minimization: A new proposal for the frequency
analysis of combined nonsinusoidal signals", Bossi and La
Franceschina, 1995, A&AS, 113, 387.
- Instruments
- "Design of a multiband
near-infrared sky brightness monitor using an InSb detector",
Dong et al., 2018, Review of Scientific Instruments, 89,
- "Sky
surface brightness at Mount Graham II. First JHKs science
observations with the Large Binocular Telescope", Pedani,
2014, New Astronomy, 28, 63.
- "KOOLS–IFU: Kyoto Okayama
OpticalLow-dispersion Spectrograph with
optical-fiberIntegral Field Unit", Matsubayashi et al.,
2019, PASJ, 71, 102.
- Interstellar comets
- Comets
- 289P/Blanpain
- "Optical observations of the
Phoenicid meteor shower in 2014 and activity of comet
289P/Blanpain in the early 20th century", Fujiwara et
al., 2017, PASJ, 69, 60.
- MPEC 2013 N21
- CBET 3574
- "Comet
D/1819 W1 (Blanpain): Not Dead Yet", Jewitt, 2006, AJ,
131, 2327.
- "Meteor
Showers from the Debris of Broken Comets: D/1819 W1
(Blanpain), 2003 WY25, and the Phoenicids", Jenniskens
et al., 2005, AJ, 130, 1286.
- IAUC 8485
- "Rising from
Ashes or Dying Flash? The Mega Outburst of Small Comet
289P/Blanpain in 2013", Ye and Clark, 2019, ApJL, 878,
- "The 1956 Phoenicid
Meteor Shower", Weiss, 1958, Australian Journal of
Physics, 11, 113.
- "The Phoenicid
Meteor Shower of 1956 December 5", Ridley, 1963,
Monthly Notes of the Astron. Soc. Southern Africa, 22,
- "A re-evaluation
of the Phoenicid outburst in December 1956", McBeath,
2003, WGN, 31, 148.
- "Forecast for Phoenicids
in 2008, 2014, and 2019", Sato and Watanabe, 2010,
PASJ, 62, 509.
- "Detection
of the Phoenicids meteor shower in 2014", Sato et al.,
2017, PSS, 143, 132.
- "Assessing
the physical nature of near-Earth asteroids through
their dynamical histories", Fernandez et al., 2014,
Icarus, 238, 1.
- "The location of Asteroidal
Belt Comets (ABCs), in a comet's evolutionary diagram:
The Lazarus Comets", Ferrin et al., 2013, MNRAS, 434,
- "Phoenicids in 1956
Revisited", Watanabe et al., 2005, PASJ, 57,
- "Meteor Showers
from Broken Comets", Jenniskens, 2007, ESA-SP-643,
- 「幻のほうおう座流星群
を追って」, 渡部潤一, 2015, 国立天文台ニュース, 262,
- 「『ほうおう座流星群』に対
する川崎市青少年科学館の取り組み」, 佐藤幹哉, 2016, 川
崎市青少年科学館紀要, 26, 23.
- 「幻の流星群を追って」,
渡部潤一, 2017, CPS.
- Asteroids
- Moon
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