Category: Science___Astronomy
- 天文学者のソフトウェア開発
- author: daisuke
- file: 20241206_00.html
- last-modified: 2024/12/09 16:29:03 (UT+8)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- 天文学の教科書
- author: daisuke
- file: 20241205_00.html
- last-modified: 2024/12/05 07:26:35 (UT+8)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- SkyView を使って画像をダウンロードできない
- author: daisuke
- file: 20241120_00.html
- last-modified: 2024/11/20 12:43:26 (UT+8)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- 恒星の構造と進化についての講義資料
- author: daisuke
- file: 20240525_01.html
- last-modified: 2024/05/26 09:40:30 (UT+8)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- 白色矮星の冷え方
- author: daisuke
- file: 20240525_00.html
- last-modified: 2024/05/25 07:15:06 (UT+8)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- JWST のデータを入手する方法
- author: daisuke
- file: 20240514_00.html
- last-modified: 2024/05/14 08:53:17 (UT+8)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- 新しい Lomb-Scargle periodogram のコード
- author: daisuke
- file: 20240427_00.html
- last-modified: 2024/04/27 19:31:00 (UT+8)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- 恒星の進化を考える際に使う恒星の中心の温度と密度の図について
- author: daisuke
- file: 20240426_01.html
- last-modified: 2024/04/26 13:03:19 (UT+8)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- 太陽の内部構造
- author: daisuke
- file: 20240412_00.html
- last-modified: 2024/04/12 15:11:34 (UT+8)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- 112 年度第一学期の Astroinformatics (天文資訊分析) の講義資料
- author: daisuke
- file: 20240125_00.html
- last-modified: 2024/01/25 21:18:35 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- Rebound を使い軌道積分する際の注意点
- author: daisuke
- file: 20231221_00.html
- last-modified: 2023/12/21 09:31:48 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- western_constellations_atlas_of_space
- author: daisuke
- file: 20231118_00.html
- last-modified: 2023/11/18 16:21:07 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- "Machine Learning for Physics and Astronomy" という書
- author: daisuke
- file: 20231027_00.html
- last-modified: 2023/10/27 12:09:06 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- 新しい SAOimage DS9 が公開されていた
- author: daisuke
- file: 20230904_00.html
- last-modified: 2023/09/04 07:18:15 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- 軌道積分をするための Python スクリプト (2023 年 07 月中旬)
- author: daisuke
- file: 20230720_00.html
- last-modified: 2023/07/20 10:21:51 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- 鹿林天文台の 1-m 望遠鏡で観測するときの制御 PC の準備について
- author: daisuke
- file: 20230628_00.html
- last-modified: 2023/06/28 22:09:42 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- sbpy を使って観測できる小惑星を探す方法
- author: daisuke
- file: 20230623_04.html
- last-modified: 2023/06/23 22:01:06 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- Astroinformatics (天文資訊分析) の講義資料についての追加情報
- author: daisuke
- file: 20230327_00.html
- last-modified: 2023/03/27 11:11:14 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- Astroinformatics (天文資訊分析) の講義資料
- author: daisuke
- file: 20230323_00.html
- last-modified: 2023/03/23 08:09:43 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- 天文学の研究の道具についての書籍の紹介
- author: daisuke
- file: 20221122_0.html
- last-modified: 2022/11/22 12:46:42 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- ST magnitude
- author: daisuke
- file: 20221028_0.html
- last-modified: 2022/10/28 08:58:20 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- 小惑星二萬個の軌道運動
- author: daisuke
- file: 20221012_0.html
- last-modified: 2022/10/12 21:49:24 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- 太陽系の立体構造
- author: daisuke
- file: 20221003_0.html
- last-modified: 2022/10/03 02:17:00 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- astroplan の使い方 (13): ファインディングチャートを作る
- author: daisuke
- file: 20220703_h.html
- last-modified: 2022/07/03 12:45:04 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- astroplan の使い方 (12): 天体の天球面上の移動の軌跡の図を作る
- author: daisuke
- file: 20220703_g.html
- last-modified: 2022/07/03 12:35:22 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- astroplan の使い方 (11): 天体のエアマスの変化の図を作る
- author: daisuke
- file: 20220703_f.html
- last-modified: 2022/07/03 12:33:27 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- astroplan の使い方 (10): 天体の出没時刻を調べる
- author: daisuke
- file: 20220703_e.html
- last-modified: 2022/07/03 12:20:54 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- astroplan の使い方 (9): 天体の方位角高度とエアマスを調べる
- author: daisuke
- file: 20220703_d.html
- last-modified: 2022/07/03 12:11:04 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- astroplan の使い方 (8): 月齢を調べる
- author: daisuke
- file: 20220703_c.html
- last-modified: 2022/07/03 12:02:47 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- astroplan の使い方 (7): 月の出と月の入りの時間を調べる
- author: daisuke
- file: 20220703_b.html
- last-modified: 2022/07/03 11:57:36 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- astropy を使って太陽の位置を調べる
- author: daisuke
- file: 20220703_5.html
- last-modified: 2022/07/03 11:29:01 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- astropy を使って月の位置を調べる
- author: daisuke
- file: 20220703_a.html
- last-modified: 2022/07/03 11:28:52 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- astroplan の使い方 (6): 観測可能な時間を調べる
- author: daisuke
- file: 20220703_9.html
- last-modified: 2022/07/03 11:22:15 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- astroplan の使い方 (5): 薄明の終了と開始の時間を調べる
- author: daisuke
- file: 20220703_8.html
- last-modified: 2022/07/03 11:15:26 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- astroplan の使い方 (4): 日の入りから日の出の時間を調べる
- author: daisuke
- file: 20220703_7.html
- last-modified: 2022/07/03 10:57:53 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- astroplan の使い方 (3): 日の入りと日の出の時間を調べる
- author: daisuke
- file: 20220703_6.html
- last-modified: 2022/07/03 10:53:16 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- astroplan の使い方 (2): 天体が見えるかどうかの判定
- author: daisuke
- file: 20220703_4.html
- last-modified: 2022/07/03 10:45:06 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- astroplan の使い方 (1): 夜かどうかの判定
- author: daisuke
- file: 20220703_3.html
- last-modified: 2022/07/03 10:25:44 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- 無料の 1200 ページの天文学の教科書
- author: daisuke
- file: 20220629_1.html
- last-modified: 2022/06/29 14:45:44 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- Lane-Emden 方程式を数値的に解く
- author: daisuke
- file: 20220503_0.html
- last-modified: 2022/05/03 11:16:41 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- ルンゲクッタによる軌道積分 (その伍)
- author: daisuke
- file: 20220501_6.html
- last-modified: 2022/05/01 19:09:23 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- ルンゲクッタによる軌道積分 (その肆)
- author: daisuke
- file: 20220501_5.html
- last-modified: 2022/05/01 19:08:14 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- ルンゲクッタによる軌道積分 (その參)
- author: daisuke
- file: 20220501_4.html
- last-modified: 2022/05/01 17:34:28 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- ルンゲクッタによる軌道積分 (その貳)
- author: daisuke
- file: 20220501_3.html
- last-modified: 2022/05/01 16:20:22 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- ルンゲクッタによる軌道積分
- author: daisuke
- file: 20220501_2.html
- last-modified: 2022/05/01 16:20:17 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- ケプラーの法則
- author: daisuke
- file: 20220501_0.html
- last-modified: 2022/05/01 09:42:56 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- CFITSIO の使い方についての記録
- author: daisuke
- file: 20220420_1.html
- last-modified: 2022/04/20 19:54:39 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- DrizzlePac パッケージについて
- author: daisuke
- file: 20220417_1.html
- last-modified: 2022/04/17 17:29:32 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- WCS の改良のための Python モジュール
- author: daisuke
- file: 20220413_0.html
- last-modified: 2022/04/13 12:28:41 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- IRAF の公式文書
- author: daisuke
- file: 20210217_0.html
- last-modified: 2021/02/17 00:43:01 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- 2021 年 02 月 14 日の C/2021 A1 (Leonard)
- author: daisuke
- file: 20210215_1.html
- last-modified: 2021/02/15 23:13:31 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- 観測天体の visibility の確認
- author: daisuke
- file: 20210214_2.html
- last-modified: 2021/02/14 15:50:58 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- SAOimage DS9 の左クリックの設定について
- author: daisuke
- file: 20210209_7.html
- last-modified: 2021/02/09 23:01:22 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- 鹿林天文台に到着
- author: daisuke
- file: 20210208_0.html
- last-modified: 2021/02/08 19:05:29 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- General Catalogue of Variable Stars (GCVS)
- author: daisuke
- file: 20210206_9.html
- last-modified: 2021/02/06 22:09:29 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- ugriz 測光標準星
- author: daisuke
- file: 20210206_8.html
- last-modified: 2021/02/06 22:09:22 (Taiwan Standard Time)
- html-generated: 2025/03/01 22:15:29.041 (Taiwan Standard Time)
HTML file generated by Kinoshita Daisuke.