PH3066 "Doing Astrophysics using Python" for 2nd semester of Academic Year 2023

This is the web page for the course "Doing Astrophysics using Python" offered at Physics Department of National Central University, from Feb/2024 to Jun/2024.


Do you need to ask for a leave?

If you need to ask for a leave, (1) prepare a piece of paper (preferably A4-sized paper), (2) write down your name and other relevant information about yourself, (3) write down the date that you cannot show up in the classroom, (4) write down the reason why you cannot show up in the classroom (e.g. experiment outside of our university campus, field trip, participation to a international conference outside Taiwan, ...), and then pass it to me at least one week before the date that you ask for a leave.

Could not attend the class due to sick/injury?

If you could not attend the class due to sick or injury, (1) prepare a piece of paper (preferably A4-sized paper), (2) write down your name and other relevant information about yourself, (3) write down the date that you did not attend the class, (4) write down the situation, and then pass it to me when you come to the classroom next time. And, also, show me a receipt from a clinic.

Class on 20/Feb/2024

If you are willing to take this course (PH3066, "Doing Astrophysics using Python"), make sure to come to the classroom at 18:00 on 20/Feb/2024.

Need a password card?

Basically, I do not recommend you to take this course, if you were not in the classroom on 20/Feb/2024. But, if you would like to get a password card for this course, come and join the class at 18:00 on 27/Feb/2024. You may get a password card at the end of the class. Note that I only have three more password cards for this course.

1. Basic information

2. Things you need to bring to the classroom

3. Schedule

Date Time Session Note
20/Feb/2024 18:00--18:50 Executing a Python script
20/Feb/2024 19:00--20:50 Basic Python programming
27/Feb/2024 18:00--20:50 Importing and using Python modules
05/Mar/2024 18:00--20:50 Using Numpy for calculations
12/Mar/2024 18:00--20:50 Visualisation of data using Matplotlib
19/Mar/2024 18:00--20:50 Scientific calculations and analyses using SciPy
26/Mar/2024 18:00--20:50 Building and querying relational database using Python
02/Apr/2024 18:00--20:50 Astronomical calculations using Astropy
09/Apr/2024 18:00--20:50 Blackbody radiation and SED fitting
16/Apr/2024 18:00--20:50 Distribution of asteroids, stars, and galaxies
23/Apr/2023 18:00--20:50 Hubble diagram and expansion of the Universe
30/Apr/2024 18:00--20:50 Estimating ages of star clusters
07/May/2024 18:00--20:50 Periodicity analysis of astronomical time-series data
14/May/2024 18:00--20:50 Source extraction and image alignment of astronomical images
21/May/2024 18:00--20:50 Planetary motion and orbital integration
28/May/2024 18:00--20:50 Classification of astronomical objects using machine learning
04/Jun/2024 18:00--20:50 TBA
11/Jun/2024 18:00--20:50 TBA
18/Jun/2024 18:00--20:50 TBA

4. Course material

4.1 Lecture notes in PDF format

Course material can be downloaded only from computers / mobile phones / tablets connected to the computer network of our university. Connect to one of Wi-Fi access points of our university or use VPN of our university. Always pay attention whether you are using Wi-Fi or mobile network (4G or 5G).

Connect to Wi-Fi of our university when downloading following files.
Date Material Note
20/Feb/2024 About this course The file is available for your download throughout the semester.
20/Feb/2024 Practice 01 This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 20/Feb/2024 to 18:00 on 27/Feb/2024.
20/Feb/2024 Executing a Python script This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 20/Feb/2024 to 18:00 on 27/Feb/2024.
20/Feb/2024 Basic Python programming This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 20/Feb/2024 to 18:00 on 27/Feb/2024.
20/Feb/2024 Homework 01 This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 20/Feb/2024 to 18:00 on 27/Feb/2024.
27/Feb/2024 Practice 02 This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 27/Feb/2024 to 18:00 on 05/Mar/2024.
27/Feb/2024 Importing and using Python modules This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 27/Feb/2024 to 18:00 on 05/Mar/2024.
27/Feb/2024 Homework 02 This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 27/Feb/2024 to 18:00 on 05/Mar/2024.
05/Mar/2024 Practice 03 This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 05/Mar/2024 to 18:00 on 12/Mar/2024.
05/Mar/2024 Using Numpy for calculations This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 05/Mar/2024 to 18:00 on 12/Mar/2024.
05/Mar/2024 Homework 03 This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 05/Mar/2024 to 18:00 on 12/Mar/2024.
12/Mar/2024 Practice 04 This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 12/Mar/2024 to 18:00 on 19/Mar/2024.
12/Mar/2024 Visualisation of data using Matplotlib This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 12/Mar/2024 to 18:00 on 19/Mar/2024.
12/Mar/2024 Homework 04 This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 12/Mar/2024 to 18:00 on 19/Mar/2024.
19/Mar/2024 Practice 05 This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 19/Mar/2024 to 18:00 on 26/Mar/2024.
19/Mar/2024 Scientific calculations and analyses using SciPy This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 19/Mar/2024 to 18:00 on 26/Mar/2024.
19/Mar/2024 Homework 05 This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 19/Mar/2024 to 18:00 on 26/Mar/2024.
26/Mar/2024 Practice 06 This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 26/Mar/2024 to 18:00 on 02/Apr/2024.
26/Mar/2024 Building and querying relational database using Python This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 26/Mar/2024 to 18:00 on 02/Apr/2024.
26/Mar/2024 Homework 06 This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 26/Mar/2024 to 18:00 on 02/Apr/2024.
02/Apr/2024 Practice 07 This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 02/Apr/2024 to 18:00 on 09/Apr/2024.
02/Apr/2024 Astronomical calculations using Astropy This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 02/Apr/2024 to 18:00 on 09/Apr/2024.
02/Apr/2024 Homework 07 This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 02/Apr/2024 to 18:00 on 09/Apr/2024.
09/Apr/2024 Practice 08 This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 09/Apr/2024 to 18:00 on 16/Apr/2024.
09/Apr/2024 Blackbody radiation and SED fitting This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 09/Apr/2024 to 18:00 on 16/Apr/2024.
09/Apr/2024 Homework 08 This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 09/Apr/2024 to 18:00 on 16/Apr/2024.
16/Apr/2024 Practice 09 This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 16/Apr/2024 to 18:00 on 23/Apr/2024.
16/Apr/2024 Distribution of asteroids, stars, and galaxies This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 16/Apr/2024 to 18:00 on 23/Apr/2024.
16/Apr/2024 Homework 09 This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 16/Apr/2024 to 18:00 on 23/Apr/2024.
23/Apr/2024 Practice 10 This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 23/Apr/2024 to 18:00 on 30/Apr/2024.
23/Apr/2024 Hubble diagram and expansion of the Universe This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 23/Apr/2024 to 18:00 on 30/Apr/2024.
23/Apr/2024 Homework 10 This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 23/Apr/2024 to 18:00 on 30/Apr/2024.
30/Apr/2024 Practice 11 This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 30/Apr/2024 to 18:00 on 07/May/2024.
30/Apr/2024 Estimating ages of star clusters This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 30/Apr/2024 to 18:00 on 07/May/2024.
30/Apr/2024 Homework 11 This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 30/Apr/2024 to 18:00 on 07/May/2024.
07/May/2024 Practice 12 This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 07/May/2024 to 18:00 on 14/May/2024.
07/May/2024 Periodicity analysis of astronomical time-series data This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 07/May/2024 to 18:00 on 14/May/2024.
07/May/2024 Homework 12 This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 07/May/2024 to 18:00 on 14/May/2024.
14/May/2024 Practice 13 This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 14/May/2024 to 18:00 on 21/May/2024.
14/May/2024 Source extraction and image alignment of astronomical images This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 14/May/2024 to 18:00 on 21/May/2024.
14/May/2024 Homework 13 This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 14/May/2024 to 18:00 on 21/May/2024.
21/May/2024 Practice 14 This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 21/May/2024 to 18:00 on 28/May/2024.
21/May/2024 Planetary motion and orbital integration This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 21/May/2024 to 18:00 on 28/May/2024.
21/May/2024 Homework 14 This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 21/May/2024 to 18:00 on 28/May/2024.
28/May/2024 Practice 15 This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 28/May/2024 to 18:00 on 04/Jun/2024.
28/May/2024 Classification of astronomical objects using machine learning This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 28/May/2024 to 18:00 on 04/Jun/2024.
28/May/2024 Homework 15 This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 28/May/2024 to 18:00 on 04/Jun/2024.
04/Jun/2024 Practice 16 This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 04/Jun/2024 to 18:00 on 11/Jun/2024.
04/Jun/2024 Exercise on 04/Jun/2024 This file is available for your download from 17:30 on 04/Jun/2024 to 18:00 on 11/Jun/2024.
Connect to Wi-Fi of our university when downloading following files.

Connect to one of Wi-Fi access points of our university, such as "NCUPHY" and "NCUWL", when downloading files. Or, use VPN of our university if you are at home.

4.1 A set of sample Python scripts

A set of sample Python scripts for the course PH3066 "Doing Astrophysics using Python" can be downloaded from following GitHub repository.

To download all the sample Python scripts for this course, try following command.

git clone

4.2 Jupyter Notebooks

Jupyter Notebooks for this course are available at Google Colaboratory.

5. Attendance check submission

Click a link below to find a link to Google Forms for the attendance check. Connect to the Wi-Fi "NCUPHY" before clicking following link.

6. Homework submission

Click a link below to find a link to Google Forms for the homework submission. Connect to the Wi-Fi of our university (or use VPN of our university) before clicking following link.

7. Software

7.1 Required software for this course

For this course, following software is required for this course. Make sure to install it on your computer before the start of the semester.

Basically, you can execute a set of sample Python scripts using Google Colaboratory, and a web browser is an only software you need for this course. Install your favourite web browser on your computer.

7.2 Optional software for this course

If you prefer to execute Python scripts on your own computer, following software are needed.

7.3 Google account

For this course, we use Google Colaboratory for executing a set of sample Python scripts, and you need your own Google account. If you do not have a Google account, visit Google website and create a new account for you.

8. Video files

Video files for the Session 14

HTML coded by Kinoshita Daisuke.